!buxton_v_di_water_graph.gle size 40 50 ! Set size of the graph paper in cm amove 0.1 1 ! 0,0 at bottom left corner of graph to 40,50 at top right hand corner begin graph size 40 50 ! Set size of the graph in cm title "Buxton v De Ionised Water Graph" hei 1 color red dist 2 xaxis min 0 max 240 dticks 40 dsubticks 5 xticks length 0.3 yticks length 0.3 yaxis min -20 max 18 dticks 1 dsubticks 1 ytitle "Temperature (degrees C)" hei 1 xtitle "Time (Minutes)" hei 1 data di_sample_cold_start.txt d1 line color cyan d1 lstyle 1 marker wcircle msize 0.4 key "De-ionised water Cold Start" data di_sample_boiling_start.txt d2 line color magenta d2 lstyle 1 marker wsquare msize 0.4 key "De-ionised water Boiling at Start" data buxton_sample_cold_start.txt d3 line color blue d3 lstyle 1 marker fcircle msize 0.4 key "Buxton Mineral Water - Cold Start" data buxton_sample_boiling_start.txt d4 line color red d4 lstyle 1 marker fsquare msize 0.4 key "Buxton Mineral Water - Boiling at Start" data buxton_sample_ion_drive_cold_start.txt d5 line color green d5 lstyle 1 marker fdiamond msize 0.4 key "Buxton Mineral Water - Treated with HIVE for 45 mins" key pos tr hei 0.4 !Draws a key end graph