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Most of the Electronics projects we have been involved in developing are protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) or are otherwise confidential or secret in one way or another. Here are a few of our own projects that we are happy to release into the public domain.

Description: Electronic dice game on a business card sized printed circuit board showcasing our skill in
electronic design, PCB layout and low level software development (firmware).

A promotional novelty item for advertising and marketing proposes on a credit card sized printed circuit board

A promotional marketing novelty - a dice game on a business card size PCB.

Circuit diagram for the novelty dice game shown above

Circuit diagram the dice game on a business card size PCB.

Blank (unpopulated) printed circuit board for the novelty dice game

The blank Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for the project.

Component positions for the printed circuit board

The component positions on the PCB for the project.

Circuit and Timing diagrams for the dice non-linear random number generator

Measurements taken from the circuit, showing the method of generating random events.

Editor window showing the source code for the dice project

Some of the software for the embedded controller (computer chip) that makes it all work.
And yes, It's a Linux editor!

Description: Simple Simon was a "Micromouse", entered into the 1993 competition run by the Institute of Electrical Engineers.
A "Micromouse" is an autonomous robot that must find it's way to the centre of a maze and home again.
The "Micromouse" that completes the task in the fastest time is the winner.

A Micromouse - Simple Simon as run in the 1993 competition

Simple Simon as run in the 1993 competition.
The robot is about the size of a house brick, powered by 3 x PP3 batteries with our own mechanics, electronics and software.
Simple Simon had a simple version of a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) similar to modern Formula 1 cars.
As Simple Simon slowed down before turning, the motors were used as generators while braking
and the resulting current used to recharge the batteries.

The actual maze from the 1993 competition, our smaller test track and Simon's certificate

The actual maze from the 1993 competition, our smaller test track and Simon's certificate.

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